Zona MACO & Material Art Fair Mexico City
(From the Zona MACO Press Room)
Established in 2002 by Zélika Garcia, Z Ⓢ ONAMACO is currently a platform of leading art fairs with four events that take place twice a year during February and September at Centro Citibanamex, Mexico City. Each year ZONAMACO México Arte Contemporáneo brings together the largest selection of leading and emerging international galleries. In addition, Zélika García established ZONAMACO Diseño in 2011, Z Ⓢ ONAMACO SALÓN DEL ANTICUARIO in 2014 and ZONAMACO FOTO in 2015, with the goal of covering and strengthening the design, antique and photography sectors in Mexico.
Z ONAMACO México Arte Contemporáneo announces its edition number fourteen with the most representative selection of the international art world and reaffirming itself as the epicenter of collecting in Latin America , through more than 120 international galleries, with works from more than 1,500 artists.
The main section of the fair presents international leading galleries with pieces of the highest quality in painting, graphics, sculpture, installation, photography, video and new media, of the most representative contemporary artists from the global scene.
Confirmed galleries (In alphabetical order):
LUIS ADELANTADO | Mexico City; ARREDONDO\AROZARENA | Mexico City; ARRÓNIZ ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEO | Mexico City; BLAIN|SOUTHERN | London/Berlin; BORTOLAMI | New York; GALERÍA LA CAJA NEGRA | Madrid; CANADA | New York; CARDI | Milan/London; CARRERASMUGICA | Bilbao; GALERÍA CAYÓN | Madrid; PATRICIA CONDE GALERÍA | Mexico City; GALLERIA CONTINUA | San Gimignano/Beijing/Les Moulins/Havana; CURRO | Guadalajara; DITTRICH & SCHLECHTRIEM | Berlin; DIVISION GALLERY | Montreal/Toronto; EDS | Mexico City; GALERÍA HEINRICH EHRHARDT | Madrid; ELASTIC GALLERY | Stockholm; ESPACIO MÍNIMO | Madrid; NF | Madrid; FIFI projects | Mexico City/Monterrey; MICHAEL FUCHS GALERIE | Berlin; GAGOSIAN | New York/Los Angeles/Paris/London/Hong Kong; GALERÍA HILARIO GALGUERA | Mexico City; GALERÍA DE ARTE MEXICANO GAM | Mexico City; GE | Monterrey; GLADSTONE GALLERY | New York; LAURENT GODIN | Paris; GALERÍA ELVIRA GONZÁLEZ | Madrid; GALERÍA ENRIQUE GUERRERO | Mexico City; HOUSE OF GAGA | Mexico City; KARMA | New York; PAUL KASMIN GALLERY | New York; SEAN KELLY | New York; TINA KIM GALLERY | New York; kurimanzutto | Mexico City; LE LABORATOIRE | Mexico City; GALERIE LELONG | New York/Paris; ALEXANDER LEVY | Berlin; LÉVY GORVY | New York/London/Geneva; LISSON GALLERY | London/Milan/New York; JAVIER LÓPEZ & FER FRANCÉS | Madrid; LUHRING AUGUSTINE | New York; MAI 36 GALERIE | Zurich; MARLBOROUGH CHELSEA | New York; MARSO | Mexico City; GALERIE NORDENHAKE | Stockholm/Berlin; OMR | Mexico City; GALLERIA LORCAN O'NEILL | Rome; ON STELLAR RAYS | New York; OVERDUIN & CO. | Los Angeles; PÁRAMO | Guadalajara; PARQUE GALERÍA | Ciudad de México; GALERÍA PELAIRES | Palma de Mallorca; GALERIE PERROTIN | Nueva York/París/Hong Kong/ Seoul; PROYECTO PARALELO | Ciudad de México; PROYECTOSMONCLOVA | Mexico City; ALMINE RECH | Paris/Brussels/London/New York; REGEN PROJECTS | Los Angeles; GALERÍA RGR+ART | Caracas; ROBERTS & TILTON | Los Angeles; LIA RUMMA | Milan/Naples; SALON 94 | New York; GALERIA FILOMENA SOARES | Lisbon; NILS STÆRK | Copenhagen; MARC STRAUS | New York; GALERIE MICHAEL STURM | Stuttgart; TIMOTHY TAYLOR | London; TIRO AL BLANCO | Guadalajara; TRAVESIA CUATRO | Madrid/Guadalajara; VENUS | New York/Los Angeles; VERMELHO | Sao Paulo; ANDRÉ VIANA | New York; von BARTHA | Basel/S-chanf; WALDEN | Buenos Aires; JEROME ZODO GALLERY | Londres; DAVID ZWIRNER | New York.
Courtesy Casa Maauad
(From Material Art Fair Press Release)
Material Art Fair will return for its fourth edition during Mexico City’s most important week
for contemporary art. From Thursday, February 9th to Sunday, February 12th of 2017, Material
will take over two floors of Expo Reforma, hosting an international group of 50 exhibitors,
representing 15 countries and 28 cities.
Daniela Elbahara, Director of Material Art Fair, says: “We’re overjoyed to arrive at this fourth
edition, which is proof that our idea for an intimate, boutique fair experience has been a
tremendous success among collectors and curators as well as the general public. Material
has helped to establish a more exciting and diverse panorama for contemporary art in Mexico.”
In the interest of promoting the national scene, Material’s 2017 edition will feature a strong
selection of Mexican galleries, among them joségarcía ,mx, Lodos, Lulu, Yautepec and, for
the very first time, LABOR, one of Mexico’s most important and internationally recognized
galleries, which will be joining the fair’s principal section.
Mexico City-based architectural studio APRDELESP and the graphic designer, Carla Valdivia,
will transform Expo Reforma’s two floors, each featuring a layout in which the gallery spaces
are situated around a central courtyard that will serve as both social space and center for
activities, including IMMATERIAL, the fair’s first dedicated public program for performance.
Curated by Michelangelo Miccolis, IMMATERIAL will present a daring selection of works in
contemporary live practice by artists working with choreography and performance, blurring
the lines between performer and observer and questioning the conventions of an art fair itself.
Rodrigo Feliz, previously Director of Art Fairs and Sales at LABOR, joins Material as its new
Director of Exhibitor Relations, strengthening the fair’s reputation as one of Mexico’s most
refreshing and exciting art events with his ample international experience. “The quality of
exhibitors in 2017 is going to make this edition of Material the best one yet and will position
the fair as the Latin American referent among like-minded initiatives like Liste, Paris
Internationale, NADA and Independent,” Feliz comments.
View our Zona MACO Mexico City VIP Stay Package here